Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fall Seeding and Course Recovery

This month at HOA we made big strides toward getting the course back to the condition our patrons expect.

All of the weak rough areas on the river course have been seeded and is beginning to fill in.
Flooded area between #2 and #3 that was bare dirt before
As many know, number had a very rough season this year. All of the rough on the hole was lost to the flooding and we have since seeded it with good results.

#7 tee bank before seeding

#7 tee bank after seeding
The vast majority of #7 fairway was covered in very thick silt when the river receded.

After we aerified numerous times and removed as much silt as possible, we now have a much better stand of turf and the rough seeding is starting to fill in

The warm weather in September gave the Zoysia another good month of growth this year, which helped with the recovery process on our heavily damaged fairways.

The course recovery is a continuous process and I would like to remind everyone to obey the rope and stake and signs we have on the course to help give the turf the best chance possible to heal.

I want to say thank you again for your patience and understanding, we hope to have the course looking great going into next season.